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Elks Lodge 311 celebrates Old Glory on Flag Day as country sees unrest

By Chris Moore Updated 7:21 pm CDT, Sunday, June 14, 2020

Photo: Fran Ruchalski/The Enterprise

While much of the country experiences civil unrest, some look to the American flag as a representation of the nation’s values and promises. On Sunday, approximately 40 people gathered at the Beaumont Elks Lodge 311 to recognize Flag Day .

“It’s a real scary time,” said Jean Hottmann, Beaumont Elks Lodge 311 Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. “I feel like there is so much unrest right now. It stands for our freedom and what we represent. It’s like our United States emblem.”

At the start of the 30-minute presentation, members of the local Boy Scouts Troupe 122 carried in flags that once represented the United States from the Pine Tree flag, which was used by the Continental Army in 1775, to the current American flag, which features 13 stripes representing the 13 original colonies and 50 stars for each state.

The lodge has celebrated Flag Day for more than 100 years, Hottmann said. The day commemorates the day the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution June 14, 1777 to adopt the flag, which featured 13 stripes and 13 stars. The flag changed three more times as the country added states before Hawaii and Alaska became states in 1959.

Hottmann said she was particularly pleased to see the Boy Scouts in attendance.

“I’m very proud of them,” she said. “It’s part of their learning. I think so many people don’t know the history. The young ones are showing interest by being scouts.”

Hottmann read a standard response as part of Elks Lodge Flag Day celebration.

“…This is the heritage of the people of the United States and it has been repurchased by each succeeding generation and must be re-won again and again and again until the end of time, lest it too shall pass like the ancient empires of Greece and Rome. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance…”

Stacie Worthy watched on as her 16-year-old grandson carried one of the eight flags.

“This symbolizes America and what we were founded on,” she said. “It was really interesting to see all of these flags and the history behind each one. I knew a little bit, but seeing it all right there was pretty cool.”

Ella Johnston-Leger, also a Beaumont Elks Lodge 311 Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, said the flag is synonymous with the country’s beliefs.

“That flag is what the country is all about,” she said. “That flag is a symbol of a unique way of how we run our government. We’re very young and it is impressive that we are still able to do it. With everything that is happening in the nation and the world, it makes you think about how strong we need to be together under our flag.”

Read the article from it’s source here.

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