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Troop 122 Teaches SM Fundamentals

Eagle Scout Jarod Young Facilitating Learning

Scout Master Fundamentals turned out to be a great success and a wonderful weekend at Scott Scout Ranch. With recent rainy weeks to numerous to count, Troop 122 put on Scout Master Fundamentals and a troop campout with a wary eye to the sky. Worrying, was all for naught, it was a wonderful weekend blue skies and all for the council event. There were 16 Adult leaders from across the area that turned out. All had a great time learning what it takes to be a First-Class scout, along with what it takes to effectively manage a Scout Troop in today’s everchanging Scouting environment.

Eagle Scout David Hamilton Uses the EDGE Method to help set up an axe yard.

Our very own Scout Master Bob Johnson was the Training SM and his adult SPL for the weekend was Hammering Hank Hamilton. They split the trainees into two patrols the Flaming Squirrels and the Screaming Hawks. These adults, just like the boys they lead, were assigned a campsite, chuck box, and food. They were on their way electing patrol leaders and competing in events based on their training. The margins of victory were mere seconds. Each patrol embraced each topic and the event culminated in what was referred to by both adults and youth from Troop 122 as the absolute best in a very long time and for some of those gray hairs out there that is a substantial amount of time.

Learning the One Handed Bowline.

We at Troop 122 want to thank Bob and Pam, without their vision this event would have suffered dearly, also to all the Adult Advisors and Eagle Scouts that help make this such a great success.

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