Announcing Eagle Scout Adam Benton.
Congratulations Adam Benton!
Adam Benton has attained the rank of Eagle Scout, and his court of honor was held at Westgate Baptist Church on October 7, 2018.
To achieve the rank of Eagle Scout Adam had to Earn the 13 required merit badges and 8 others to have the required number of at least 21 merit badges. Along the trail to Eagle, Adam had to complete his Star project which was a tomahawk target for Troop 122, a Life project which was a New Chuck Box design for Troop 122 and last but not least, his Eagle project for which he installed a new fence at the BISD Ag Farm in Beaumont, TX to keep the livestock out of the proposed orchard area. Adam, a member of the “Bulls Patrol” of Troop 122, directed and led his fellow scouts, friends, and family in their efforts to help construct the fence. This was a several month undertaking which commenced in early March and was completed April 25, 2018. The construction consisted of dodging rainstorms, measuring and designing the fence, driving fence posts, and attaching wire cloth and runners at BISD’s Ag Education facility. Adam Benton and his crew put approximately 424 labor hours into the project. The agricultural teacher was pleased with the quality of workmanship undertaken by Adam and his friends and the projects end result.
Mr. Balentine was the Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Hamilton offered the Eagle Charge. There was a reception that immediately followed in the foyer of the church.
In addition to earning the rank of Eagle Scout, Adam also holds the distinction for earning the triple crown in high adventure. He has waded through hip-deep moose muck at Nothern Tier Bissette surviving Heartbreak, summitted Mount Baldy at Philmont Scout Ranch, and sailed the ocean blue out of Seabase Bahamas. Adam has chosen adventure over comfort.
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